The Decent Shelter

We aim to provide shelter for the most needy and impoverished families in rural Idlib, northern Syria.

With your help, we will make their dream of a safe home a reality, protecting them from the winter cold and summer heat. Contribute to shelter them with kindness.

Contribute to shelter them with goodness

Sponsored apartments: 0

Target: 200 apartments


Livelihood Project

We strive to extend a helping hand to support poor families in northern Syria, providing them with an income that preserves their human dignity and that of their families, and transitions them from the hardship of poverty to the comfort of a decent life.

Currently funded: 9 projects

Target: 100 projects


Winter Warmth Project

We strive to support our brothers and sisters in northern Syria, ensuring they are not left alone in the face of winter storms. “With your support,” we provide clothing, blankets, and heating materials.

Contribute and save a life.

Reached: 0

Target: Supply Heating to 5000 families


Orphan Sponsorship Project

We seek with him to revive a small soul that has lost the meaning of security and the elements of support. We contribute to compensating the orphans of the camps for what they have lost, their only source of protection and care in life.

Orphans sponsored: 0

Target: 20,000 orphans

Educational Orphan Sponsorship Project

We seek through goodness and giving to help them complete their path to education. . We target educating approximately 1,600 orphans (in rural Idlib) and giving each orphan the opportunity to create a bright future for themselves and their nation.

Orphans sponsored: 0

Target: 10,000 orphan students