Livelihood insurance project

Poverty has become a constant threat to our brothers in northern Syria. Those who do not have access to the basic necessities of life; The simplest necessities of life that we are accustomed to, such as food, clean water, housing, and clothing, have become unattainable dreams for many of them!

How do we imagine their lives?

They do not have the ability to build a decent future for themselves and their families. Rather, they do not have the ability to secure their daily food. Due to the severity of poverty and lack of help!

So we say to the good people.. You are the hope

God Almighty says: {Who is the one who lends to God a good loan, and He multiplies it for himself many times over} (Surat Al-Baqarah) Verse 245)

Because behind every charity there is a story of happiness

These are the most prominent stories of happiness created by the Dar Al Uloom Endowment with your support and giving in the “Securing Livelihoods” project.

A visit to livelihood project owners

Your alms were given to them, God willing The ability to secure a decent livelihood for themselves and their families! 🌿

in #video Visit for project owners #ways of living | Northern Syria 1445 – 2023.

First case: Providing a cow “Abu Abdo case”

“I wish I had something to live off of.”

With the grace of God Almighty and your support, we fulfilled Abu Abdo’s wish by gifting him and his family a cow from which he can earn enough to support his daily living. It saves him the need to ask people

With your giving, we alleviate their pain. And we bring joy to their hearts ❤️

The second case: Motorcycle parts replacement shop

“Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar”

With these takbirs, he received…. His gift from the Dar Al Uloom Endowment: “A project for a shop to replace motorcycle parts”

Let us extend our hands to our brothers so that they may continue on their path. And give hope to their hearts ❤️

Third case: Grocery store that sells food

With joy and happiness, Brother Naseeb received his gift from the Dar Al Uloom Endowment «Grocery project to sell food stuffs» He earns a living from it

Your giving contributes to changing the lives of entire families

Fourth case: Vegetable car

“May God reward you well, give you a thousand blessings, and ease your affairs.”

Many invitations were made by “Abu Walid” at the moment of receiving his gift from the Dar Al-Ulum Endowment“Vegetable car project” He works on it to earn a halal income from it and satisfy his family’s needs

Your sincerity is based on the sincerity of your faith. Present it now to your brothers

Fifth case: Winch for construction work

With the contributions of charitable people, we provided a “winch for work in construction” to Brother Nasser, one of the displaced camps in northern Syria.

Contribute now to liberate our brothers from poverty and the cycle of want to a dignified and stable life

With your giving, we alleviate their pain. We bring joy to their hearts

Your sincerity is based on the sincerity of your faith. Present it now to your brothers