Winter Warmth Project
About the project
There is nothing like the severity of the cold combined with the intensity of need and suffering! Under these difficult circumstances... There are hearts trembling, And staring eyes, Looking forward to your bid. With the “Warmth of Winter” project, we seek to be of assistance to all our brothers in northern Syria. And to support them in their suffering, So as not to leave them alone in the face of winter storms! “With your support,” the project provides them with cladding, covers, and heating materials. Contribute now and save a human life..!
Winter Warmth Project 2023-2024
Together we bring warmth to their hearts
إحصائيات عن المشروع
طن بيرين
كسوة شتاء
رول اسفنج
عازل للخيام
فروات شتاء
لتر مازوت
Photo Gallery
Visual content of the project
The suffering of our brothers inside the camps increases. Accompanied by severe cold and a lack of winter clothes and heating tools, Winter can kill a person, And your donation can save him, Contribute and save the lives of your brothers